

Friday 13 January 2012

Gremlins in blogland.

To my friends out there in blogland. I am having problems visiting you all . Occasionally I can leave a post, some times I cannot even get to see your blog and get a blank page.
It is giving me hope that I don't seem to be the only one experiencing this problem. I am hoping it gets back to normal soon.


  1. If you are using Internet Explorer Yvonne - it could be that. I changed to Google Chrome last time we had all the problems.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  2. It is IE and it happened after a Microsoft did more updates! I am having the same problem. Brenda is right about Chrome! Have a great weekend!

  3. I changed as well lasy year as I was so frustrated not being able to visit my fave blogs

  4. oooo dear that's not good ((((HUG)))) xxx

  5. Aha, I've found you! Even though I'm still showing on your followers list, I'm not receiving feeds from you. I've read of quite a number of people over the past few days having problems visiting and leaving comments etc. Have to say, I use google chrome and haven't had this problem. Hope you get sorted out soon. xx
