

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Do you Believe in Fairies.

Its an Anything Goes week again at Try it on Tuesdays. So you can chose what you make,' but'
we are asking you to show us  a  ' Fairy'   on your entry.

We have some new changes happening this year at TioT's, the first is a Design Team Call.
Please pop over to TioT's for all the details and information, and also  see what my fellow teamies have made.

This is a page from  my play journal,
All the background, has  as usual  been made by blotting stamps etc , testing colours then left until I made my mind up what to add.  If I remember the blue flowers  , are from when I painted some floral die cuts for another project and the colour was to bright for what I had in mind, the paper in this book realy soaks up excess colour
The stamp is an Emerald Fairy, sittting on a daisy,  talking to her pet ladybird.
She was coloured with watercolours.

Thankyou for stopping by to take a look. I realy appreciate your comments.

 A big hello to my new followers, thankyou for coming to see what I have been making.
Last but not least, I think some of my blogger issues are getting sorted, I've altered my Comments to  pop up instead of embedded.  There are still one or two folk that I just get the blank page when I visit , still one step forward at a time.


  1. Lovely piece, I love fairies, and of course I believe in them! Valerie

  2. Hi Yvonne. Lovely journal pages. Hope to see more of these. Believe in fairies.... absolutely!
    Regards Florence x

  3. Very pretty page, love the fairy image, so cute!!

  4. what a lovely background you have made and a cute little image.

  5. Lovely page. Of course I believe. Caz

  6. How lovely, your pages are really beautiful.

  7. Loving your whimsical fairy and lovely pages Yvonne, x

  8. Wonderful page Yvonne :) magical
    Von xxx

  9. I love fairies too and I love your pretty page. Jean x

  10. lovely journal page and a sweet little fairy.


  11. Ooooo Fairies Yvonne and on a journal page....a beautiful journal page at that. Must get my journal out!!
    x Michelle

  12. Fabulous journal pages. Love the fairy. Have a great day. Angela

  13. How clever to recycle test stamping, Yvonne. A beautiful project! Best, Yvonne

  14. Really love the page, thanks for your kind comments. Hugs Bee

  15. Ohhh such beautiful work on this page, love the fairy she is so fun
    hugs June

  16. I do I do Tinkerbell. Fantastic journal pages so much life and colour and of course your little fairy is just divine.


  17. Such a lovely page and the background is totally dreamy! If I did not believe in fairies, I do now!
