

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Waiting for Santa

Waiting for Santa, a magical time of the year.
I have made this card for  for the new  Supply Challenge over at Gingersnap Creations GS 131.
We are asked to used some wax on   the project.
This is something I am not familiar with using.

Then I remembered a bargain buy of some Seals and Sealing wax in a January Sale. There,  I knew that they would be useful one day.
 So my wax addition is a little tree.
The stamp I used is by Crafty Individuals, coloured with watercolours.
One of the layers is covered in snowflakes,  and I used a Martha Stewart punch for the corners.

I will be adding this card to this weeks challenge over at  Winter wonderland, the theme is  Let it snow.

Thankyou for stopping by to take a look, I realy appreciate your comments.


  1. Another really beautiful card! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Hi Yvonne. Lovely card and beautifully made.
    Regards Florence x

  3. What a wonderful image of the children, love that! And the wax seal tree on your ribbon is perfect!!

  4. Love how you've incorporated the seal in your card, x

  5. such a lovely sentimental Christmas card and the seal is a perfect fininshig touch

  6. Lovely Yvonne, such a gorgeous vintage image:)
    Val x

  7. Beautiful card Yvonne. I love the image and the wax seal!

  8. Yes Yvonne, we do use all our things eventually - lol. Love how you've used the wax seal and the card is lovely x

  9. A great snowy creation! Thanks for sharing with us this week at Winter Wonderland. Hugs, Sxx

  10. This is such an adorable Christmas card! Love the little children looking out the window at the snow! I remember doing that and still do when we get a little of the white stuff!

  11. what a gorgeous and beautiful creation, thank you for sharing your lovely work with us at the Winter Wonderland
    Hugs Kate xx
