

Thursday 7 July 2011

On the Road

Could this be love at first sight, or living happily ever after?
When the beautiful Isadora met Robotman she knew they were destined to travel life's road together, she had met the love of her life.
So how did I make this, all began yesterday when I ordered my first sheet of Steampunk images from June at Dezinaworld. She is having an awesome give away details are  here .
 Naturally I had to play and have a few words with myself about how to open and change sizes if the individual images, computers absolutely faze me. I found that if I could get them on my desk top, then into a MCS program I have, the world opened a new door. maybe there is an easier way I have yet to discover.  Thats how the picture was constructed.
Next came the new Gingersnap Challenge,, GC 109  Chestnut theme  challenge, 'On the Road.'
and adding the extras to my piece. An on the edge die cut for the border, some cogs  and  stamped image by Indigo Blu.  Shading was done with vintage photo and black soot  DI.

Thankyou for stopping by to take a look, I realy appreciate your comments.


  1. WooHoo! Love every detail and the design is just so cool! Fabulous steampunk design!

  2. This is great Yvonne, I love the colouring. I've not really got into steampunk, but this is quite inspiring. I might have to have a go. Jean x

  3. Great card, love the colours! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Ohhh its fabulous, what a great piece and i love the story around it. you did me proud with this amazing piece my friend.
    hugs June xxx

  5. Fabulous On the Road card Yvonne, loving all the great details. So pleased you are joining in the fun with us at Gingersnap. Annette x

  6. Wonderful steampunk ! love it. I wish I could do computer stuff, If I only knew what programe to buy to do didgital stuff I might have a go! I resize my images in Word.

  7. What a great card. All the fabulous detail.
    Regards Florence.

  8. great card Yvonne, lots of lovely staempunk details

  9. fabulous! I need to up date my Pc skills too :)

  10. Fun and fabulous Yvonne. Great take on the theme.

  11. Great steampunk elements. Glad you could join us at Gingersnap Creations.

  12. Wonderful! I love your steampunk make. Kim

  13. This is fabulous Yvonne, love all the different elements to it.

  14. Yvonne! this is fabulous! You must have made June's day. Thanks for leaving such kind comments on my blog.
    Big Hugs, Chris

  15. I keep meaning to ask where you are from in the north east ? or did i ask already ? lol my memory is like a sieve hehe.

  16. Ohhh...brillant work! So much detail! Thank you for joining us at Gingersnaps. Suzanne B

  17. aww thanks for your comment yvonne, I live in County Durham so not too far away. We are off to the Northumberland coast (Newbiggin) in Sept for a holiday.
    hugs June xxxx

  18. Your work is awesome, thanks for your comments. Able to move fingers better today. love Caz

  19. Fabulous...what a pair. I adore this steampunk piece! take care, gerri

  20. Wow, that's fabulous wonderful steampunk work.

  21. Love all the layers and details in your fabulous steampunk piece. It's beautiful!

  22. This is perfect! Love your work!
