

Thursday 12 May 2011

Craft -Room

There is a new challenge blog coming soon called the Craft  Room Challenge. They are currently looking for folk to join the DT. Please find all the details here. Also there is some fab blog candy up for grabs.

     I am happily retired and can indulge myself with my passion for  crafting,
     Entering challenges has broadened my outlook and I will now try almost
     any    form of crafting  if I have the materials, some things work, others
     get relegated to my recycle box, to use another day.
    Since I began my first blog I have been able to find many new
    crafting   friends. Blog hopping  ,is a  continuous 
   source of inspiration and the talent of other 
     crafters is just awesome.

     It has been hard to pick out 3 items that show the sort of things I like to do.
     I have added an ATC, an Altered picture frame and the card. I have just
     made for my OH's birthday.[will be putting this on a seperate post]
    So this is me,  I would very much like to be considered to join this new  
   exciting venture.


  1. Lovely work, good luck with the DT, I am sure you would be a great addition to the team! Valerie

  2. You do indeed have a wide range of style and seem able to do just about anything Yvonne. Thank you for your interest in Craft-Room Challenge Good Luck XOXO Zoe

  3. Wishing you all the very best with the DT, am sure you will be snapped up my friend. Annette x

  4. Good luck with the DT! I love the altered frame!!

  5. Hello and thank you for entering our DT call and challenge. You have some extremely impressive pieces on show, I love the mirror. The very best of luck.
    Julia x

  6. Beautiful projects. The frame is gorgeous.
    Regards Florence.

  7. These are All Really beautiful x

  8. Good Luck Yvonne, I've just found this. Caz
