

Friday 25 February 2011

Stylish Blog Awards

Imagine my delight when Valerie left me a message to say she had a suprise for me back on her blog. It was this award. So after thanking her I read what accepting it would involve.
Here is the list of things to do
step1-   Link back to the person who gave you the award.
step2-  Share 7 random things about yourself.
step3-  Award 7 recently discovered blogs to this award.
step4- Contact those bloggers and tell them you have nominated them.

so 7 things about me.
1. I am happily retired.
2. Lucky to have been married to my soul mate for over 44years.
3. Have two sons.
5. Meg ,our border- collie  is the baby of the family
6. Love our touring caravan, which allows us to visit new places
7. Last, but not least,  my total love of  all things  Crafting.

My nominations for this award include  friends in blogland who have given me friendship and support over the time I have had my blog  .Especially those who gave advice and encouragement when I lost my first blog to many technicalities.  I just wish I could nominate more, but you know who you all are and I  thankyou.

So here is my award list, grab the  award and if you find the time pass it on.


  1. ohhh thats so sweet of you to nominate me for your award....really appreciated

  2. Oh! What a lovely surprise, many thanks Yvonne for the award, I am chuffed. Hugs Caz

  3. Thank you very much Yvonne for a lovely surprise. Annette x

  4. Awww! You are so kind!

    I'm terribly sorry that the past couple of weeks have been so full and you haven't seen much of me ... and still you included me!

    I definitely appreciate your "Stylish" nod and later this week when I have time will pass it on!

    Thank you again!
